Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just Between You and Me

Okay, so the first thing we've got to establish is that it's not an addiction. Really. It isn't. Stop looking at me that way.

Look, I can stop any time I want. I just choose to keep running.

Remember: I only started a year and a half ago. That Staten Island Half was my first half marathon. Heck, it was my first road race ever. And, yeah, I ran my eighth in February, and have lined up my ninth and tenth, but hey, I had some time on my hands. It's nothing special.

The ninth one? Oh, it's in a couple of weeks. I'm flying out to Columbus, Ohio, for the weekend. That's a perfectly natural thing to do: to fly somewhere so I can run another half. Lots of people do it. And I'm only paying a few hundred dollars to do that, all told. And... and... I'll get to visit Columbus, which is a really cool place, I think.

You're looking at me that way again.

Did I mention they'll have t-shirts? Totally makes it worth it.

Okay, okay I'll admit that not everybody thinks that running 13.1 miles (21.1 km) is a normal thing to do, but it's really fun. You get to see lots of neighborhoods, and you get this great sense of accomplishment, and... and... you get t-shirts. Really cool ones.

So I'm glad we've had this little chat. 'cause I know you've been worried about me, and you don't have to. Because I'm fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go running for a bit.

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